Tawny Owl – Peabody

Peabody was the very first offspring hatched to our breeding pair of Tawny Owls Boris and Whisper. However, neither parent wanted any part in raising their young. Luckily, we had plenty of great staff at the ready to raise this little owl. He was raised to become an education bird and joined the zoo show team where he flies in shows around the country. He quickly steals hearts with his entrance, where he flies out of the opening of a small owl nest box before executing several ninja-fast flights.





  • His trainers have affectionately nicknamed him “Mr. Peabody” because though his size is small his personality is huge!
  • When not performing in zoo shows during the summer, Peabody can sometimes be found in a public enclosure at World Bird Sanctuary.
  • When enjoying his vacation time on exhibit, his caretakers can always enjoy hearing his trills, calls, and barks in the evenings as the sun sets.


Scientific Name:

  • Strix aluco.


  • Tawny Owls are found throughout Europe and North Africa, including Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and eastwards to Iran and western Siberia.
  • Their range in Asia covers western India, the Himalayas, southern China, Korea and Taiwan.
  • In Europe the Tawny owl is the most common and most widespread owl, being absent only in Ireland, the extreme north of Scotland, northern Russia, northern Scandinavia, Iceland and some of the Mediterranean islands.


  • Woodlands, parks, and recently urbanized areas.


  • Small mammals and rodents, small birds, frogs, fish, insects and worms.


  • Generally quite nocturnal, but are sometimes briefly active during daylight.
  • Highly territorial owl that seldom leaves its home range; monogamous and territorial year around.
  • The territorial hooting call of a male Tawny Owl is probably the most familiar of UK owl calls, beginning with a drawn out ‘hooo’, followed by a brief pause, before a softer ‘hu’ and then a resonant final phrase of ‘huhuhuhooo.’


  • Plumage is chestnut brown, heavily mottled with grey, brown and black streaks; face is round with deep set black eyes; plumage pattern gives this bird a blocky, thick-set look; like the Barred Owl to which it is related, it lacks ear tufts.

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